Replace the element with the searched value in an array of objects in Javascript

Having the following array of objects:

const input = [ {id: 3, data: {name: 'john'} },
                {id: 6, data: {name: 'mike'} },
                {id: 2, data: {name: 'anna'} }

I want to write a method that recevies a new object, if the object’s id is in the array, it replaces that one with the new one, otherwise it creates a new object.

For example, if the method receives this object: {id: 1, data: {name: 'maria' }}, it will add it to the array, so the array will look like:

const input = [ {id: 3, data: {name: 'john'} },
                {id: 6, data: {name: 'mike'} },
                {id: 2, data: {name: 'anna'} },
                {id: 2, data: {name: 'maria'} }

If it receives {id: 3, data: {name: 'jack' }} it should replace the object with id=3 so the result would be:

const input = [ {id: 3, data: {name: 'jack'} },
                {id: 6, data: {name: 'mike'} },
                {id: 2, data: {name: 'anna'} },
                {id: 2, data: {name: 'maria'} }

The code:

function doMagic(input, newObj) {
  if (input.some(el => === {
    // replace it
  } else {
    // add the object to the array