I know it is a bit silly question yet I am asking this..
I am watching the tutorial of cryptoverse react app from youtube channel JavaScript Mastery.
Mostoff Application is ready and everything works except cryptoDetails.jsx.
As soon as I click on the any crypto currency card, it shows the error in the heading stated above in the console. I am attaching my code and that screenshot so you can help me.Thanks for the help in advance.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import HTMLReactParser from 'html-react-parser';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import millify from 'millify';
import { Col, Row, Typography, Select } from 'antd';
import { MoneyCollectOutlined, DollarCircleOutlined, FundOutlined, ExclamationCircleOutlined,
StopOutlined, TrophyOutlined, CheckOutlined, NumberOutlined, ThunderboltOutlined } from '@ant- design/icons';
import { useGetCryptoDetailsQuery, useGetCryptoHistoryQuery } from '../services/cryptoApi';
import Loader from './Loader';
import LineChart from './LineChart';
const { Title, Text } = Typography;
const { Option } = Select;
const CryptoDetails = () => {
const { coinId } = useParams();
const [timeperiod, setTimeperiod] = useState('7d');
const { data, isFetching } = useGetCryptoDetailsQuery(coinId);
const { data: coinHistory } = useGetCryptoHistoryQuery({ coinId, timeperiod });
const cryptoDetails = data?.data?.coin;
if (isFetching) return <Loader />;
const time = ['3h', '24h', '7d', '30d', '1y', '3m', '3y', '5y'];
const stats = [
{ title: 'Price to USD', value: `$ ${cryptoDetails?.["price"] && millify(cryptoDetails?.
["price"])}`, icon: <DollarCircleOutlined /> },
{ title: 'Rank', value: cryptoDetails?.rank, icon: <NumberOutlined /> },
{ title: '24h Volume', value: `$ ${cryptoDetails?.["24hVolume"] && millify(cryptoDetails?.
["24hVolume"])}`, icon: <ThunderboltOutlined /> },
{ title: 'Market Cap', value: `$ ${cryptoDetails?.["marketCap"] && millify(cryptoDetails?.
["marketCap"])}`, icon: <DollarCircleOutlined /> },
{ title: 'All-time-high(daily avg.)', value: `$
${millify(cryptoDetails?.allTimeHigh?.price)}`, icon: <TrophyOutlined /> },
const genericStats = [
{ title: 'Number Of Markets', value: cryptoDetails?.numberOfMarkets, icon: <FundOutlined />
{ title: 'Number Of Exchanges', value: cryptoDetails?.numberOfExchanges, icon:
<MoneyCollectOutlined /> },
{ title: 'Aprroved Supply', value: cryptoDetails?.approvedSupply ? <CheckOutlined /> :
<StopOutlined />, icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined /> },
{ title: 'Total Supply', value: `$ ${millify(cryptoDetails?.totalSupply)}`, icon:
<ExclamationCircleOutlined /> },
{ title: 'Circulating Supply', value: `$ ${millify(cryptoDetails?.circulatingSupply)}`,
icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined /> },
return (
<Col className="coin-detail-container">
<Col className="coin-heading-container">
<Title level={2} className="coin-name">
{data?.data?.coin.name} ({data?.data?.coin.slug}) Price
<p>{cryptoDetails.name} live price in US Dollar (USD). View value statistics, market cap
and supply.</p>
<Select defaultValue="7d" className="select-timeperiod" placeholder="Select Timeperiod" onChange={(value) => setTimeperiod(value)}>
{time.map((date) => <Option key={date}>{date}</Option>)}
<LineChart coinHistory={coinHistory} currentPrice={millify(cryptoDetails.price)} coinName={cryptoDetails.name} />
<Col className="stats-container">
<Col className="coin-value-statistics">
<Col className="coin-value-statistics-heading">
<Title level={3} className="coin-details-heading">{cryptoDetails?.name} Value Statistics</Title>
<p>An overview showing the statistics of {cryptoDetails?.name}, such as the base and quote currency, the rank, and trading volume.</p>
{stats.map(({ icon, title, value }) => (
<Col className="coin-stats">
<Col className="coin-stats-name">
<Text className="stats">{value}</Text>
<Col className="other-stats-info">
<Col className="coin-value-statistics-heading">
<Title level={3} className="coin-details-heading">Other Stats Info</Title>
<p>An overview showing the statistics of {cryptoDetails?.name}, such as the base and quote currency, the rank, and trading volume.</p>
{genericStats.map(({ icon, title, value }) => (
<Col className="coin-stats">
<Col className="coin-stats-name">
<Text className="stats">{value}</Text>
<Col className="coin-desc-link">
<Row className="coin-desc">
<Title level={3} className="coin-details-heading">What is {cryptoDetails?.name}?</Title>
<Col className="coin-links">
<Title level={3} className="coin-details-heading">{cryptoDetails?.name} Links</Title>
{cryptoDetails?.links?.map((link) => (
<Row className="coin-link" key={link.name}>
<Title level={5} className="link-name">{link.type}</Title>
<a href={link.url} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{link.name}</a>
export default CryptoDetails;