Not able to access elements in React array

I can’t read the values that I am pushing into my array in React. I am using a useCallback() hook to populate an array with values from an asynchronous call (web3 events). I am doing this because I don’t want to use setState() method multiple times over to re-render my component. Instead I want to populate one array and pass that into my setState(). I am new to React and programming in general, let me know if I made a silly mistake.

When I try to console.log() ‘arr’ in the useEffect() I get an array that look like the picture, but I can’t access arr[0], or arr1 its just undefined.
enter image description here

import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo, useContext, useCallback } from "react";
import { useTable } from 'react-table';
import { DAOContext } from '../pages/index.jsx';
import Vote from './Vote.jsx';
import ExecuteProposal from "./ExecuteProposal";
import Countdown from "./Countdown.jsx"
import VoteState from "./VoteState.jsx"

function VotingTable(){
  const[proposals, setProposals] = useState([]);
  const[votes, setVotes] = useState([]);
  const[updated, setUpdated] = useState(1);

  const {web3} = useContext(DAOContext);
  const {accounts} = useContext(DAOContext);
  const {contract} = useContext(DAOContext);
  const {connectedAddress} = useContext(DAOContext);
  const {contractAddress} = useContext(DAOContext);
  const {socketContract} = useContext(DAOContext);

  const getProposals = useCallback(() => {
    if (socketContract != undefined && connectedAddress != undefined){
      var arr = new Array();{fromBlock:0}, function(error,event){
        if (error){console.log(error)}
        const newProposal = {"id",
                             "votes": event.returnValues.votes,
                             "executed":event.returnValues.executed ,
    return arr;
  }, [socketContract,connectedAddress])

  useEffect(() => {
      const arr = [getProposals()];
      const reactElementsArray = => {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (socketContract != undefined && connectedAddress != undefined){{fromBlock:0}, function(error, event){
        if (error){console.log(error)}
        const newVote = {"ProposalId" :event.returnValues.proposalId,
                         "Sender": event.returnValues.sender
        if (votes.length == 0){
          setVotes(votes => ([...votes, newVote]));


  const votesData = useMemo(() => [...votes], [votes]);
  //Apparently useMemo() is the only option here, not totally sure why jsut yet, should do more research on this...
  //Setting up the Header & accessor for the columns information
  const proposalsData = useMemo(() => [...proposals],[proposals]);
  const proposalsColumns = useMemo(() => proposals[0] ? Object.keys(proposals[0]).filter((key) => key !== "rating").map((key) =>{
    return {Header: key, accessor: key};
  }) : [] , [proposals]);

  const voteHooks = (hooks) => {
    hooks.visibleColumns.push((columns) => [
      { id:"Vote State",
        Header: "Vote State",
        Cell: ({row}) =>(<VoteState index ={} value={votesData}/>),
      { id:"Countdown",
        Header: "Time Remaining",
        Cell: ({row}) =>(<Countdown futureTime={proposals[]["end"]}/>),
      { id:"Vote Button",
        Header: "Vote",
        Cell: ({row}) =>(<Vote index={row}/>),
      { id:"Execute Button",
        Header: "Execute",
        Cell:({row}) =>(<ExecuteProposal index={row}/>),

  //Create a table instance with 'useTable()' from react-table
  const tableInstance = useTable({columns: proposalsColumns, data:proposalsData}, voteHooks);
  const {getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow} = tableInstance;

  //render the table information and populate with desired data
    <table {...getTableProps()}>
      { => (
        <tr {...headerGroup.getHeaderGroupProps()}>
          { =>(
            <th {...column.getHeaderProps()}>{column.render("Header")}</th>
      <tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
        { =>{
          return <tr {...row.getRowProps()}>
           {,idx) => (
            <td  {...cell.getCellProps()}> {cell.render("Cell")} </td>

export default VotingTable;