I’m trying to run this code that will get the first 7 columns from sheet1 in spreadsheet1 and paste them in sheet2 in spreadsheet2, but im keep getting this error which I dont know why.
Exception: The number of rows in the range must be at least 1. 6th line
function MoveCode(){
const ss1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1zU__ccPIMst54whmyrbmRnDRRjOtQBFPzXhw6NsFqpU");//or url whatever
const ssh = ss1.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
const dsh = ss2.getSheetByName('Sourcing');
const vs = ssh.getRange(2,1,ssh.getLastRow() - 1,7).getValues();
test3 is the spreadsheet that i want to paste the data to
If you need anymore explanation please let me know