I am running this code snipped in React to search if there is a match with the user’s input. The json file goes as follows:
"name": "Michael Jordan",
"id": "mj"
"image": ".../icon.png",
"tags": [
"name": "Paul White",
"id": "pw"
"image": ".../icon.png",
"tags": [
"Another characteristic",
"likes apples"
and here is the search function I made to search through all the names and tags if there is a matching “person”, and afterwards display all the “people” that share the same tags or names
function main_char_search(searchProp) {
const tagssearch = searchProp[0].tags && Object.keys(searchProp[0].tags);
return searchProp.filter(
(new_items) => new_items.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) > -1 ||
tagssearch.some((tagsearch)=>new_items[tagsearch].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(q)) > -1
the trick is that the array that contains the tags varies in size sometimes.
Here is the errors that this code generates:
TypeError cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘tags’)
Uncaught (in … promise)
Note: the code runs perfectly if I try to search through the names and other individual components.