Three.Js Whenever i load an obj with objloader extra vertices are added to my object even after using indexed geometry

Hello so as the title says whenever i load an obj file with obj loader along with indexed geometry extra vertices are added to my object and i cant figure out why.

For example when i load my obj without indexed geometry the vertices are the same as the faces of the object ( from what i read this is because of triangle soup) after using BufferGeometryUtils.mergeVertices and then Computing Vertex Normals the vertice count went down almost to the original but not quite.

This is how i use obj loader

loader= new OBJLoader()
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(loadingManager);
var map = textureLoader.load('Castle.jpg'); 
var material = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({map: map, vertexColors: true});

loader.load( 'Castle.obj', function ( obj ) {
    obj.children[0].geometry = BufferGeometryUtils.mergeVertices(obj.children[0].geometry);     

    obj.traverse( function ( node ) {

        if ( node.isMesh ) 
        node.material = material;

      } );

My 2 obj files which i work with have these stats
Vertices :220.153
On three.js 270.532

Vertices: 95.213
on three.js 123.357

The face count remains the same. Am i doing something wrong? If i use the deprecated Geometry everything works properly however since it’s deprecated i dont know if it’s the right thing to do. Im on version 0.136

Best regards