Get Api value and put in a const – VUE

i’m inserting recaptcha invisible at one system, but i need to get the secrets from database.

I have one method getting the value, but i need to save it in a const and pass to recaptcha method.
what i did, is not working.

how is working:

RecaptchaSiteKeyApi.js – Getting the key from backend api – here is working.

import { api } from './ApiConfig'

export default {

listaSiteKey: () =>
            headers: { Authentication: window.localStorage.getItem('token'), "Content-Type": "application/json" },
            transformResponse: [function (data) {
                const result = data ? JSON.parse(data) : null;
                return result.nmSite;


RecaptchaSiteKey.js – to save the result from Api in a const and send to LoginPage –here is not working the value from listasitekey() not apear.

import RecaptchaSiteKeyApi from './RecaptchaSiteKeyApi';

    key: null

export function carregarChaveCaptcha() {
        CHAVE_RECAPTCHA.key = RecaptchaSiteKeyApi.listaSiteKey();
    return CHAVE_RECAPTCHA.key;

Login.vue – here is the recaptcha method
i need to pass the value to these component:

            :data-sitekey="constKey()"  <------- need to put the value key here

export default {
  components: {   
  data() {
    return {
      key: null,


  methods: {

      const Key = carregarChaveCaptcha();
      return Key

RecaptchaSiteKey – not get the value from SiteKeyApi
RecaptchaSiteKeyApi – is getting the value from database