Can’t pass JSON from PHP to Javascript in Laravel component

We have a Laravel 8 project.

In it, we have a Blade template, and from this Blade template we are including a Laravel component like this:

    dividend-history="{{ json_encode($dividend_history) }}"

The $dividend_history is an associative array that looks like this:

['2002' => ['date' => '2002-06-30', 'IQ_CLOSEPRICE' => 27.35]],
['2003' => ['date' => '2003-06-30', 'IQ_CLOSEPRICE' => 33.81]],

I am doing json_encode on the array to transform it into a string so I can pass it as a prop to the x-key-figure-graph component.

Within the component is where problems arise. If I print out the passed prop:

{{ $dividendHistory }}

I get:

{&quot;2002&quot;:{&quot;date&quot;:&quot;2002-06-30&quot;,&quot;IQ_CLOSEPRICE&quot;:27.35 [...]

So this is a string with the quotes turned into their ASCII equivalents (&quot;). The thing is, now we need to pass this to a Javascript script inside this component. I have not found a way to convert this string back into a working JSON for Javascript.

Attempt 1:

let stock = JSON.parse({!! $dividendHistory !!});


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '&'

Attempt 2:

let stock = JSON.parse("{!! $dividendHistory !!}");


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token & in JSON at position 1 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

Attempt 3:

let stock = JSON.parse({!! json_decode($dividendHistory) !!});


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

I don’t know what else to try. Surely it should be possible to convert the string, which was encoded from JSON, back into JSON so it can be used by Javascript. How?