why is my minimax recursion not looping through all possible outcomes

I’m not sure where I’m wrong with my function but it doesn’t check every possible out it seems to check a few and I don’t know how to fix it here’s my code

basic variables

const defaultScore = {0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0}
const [boardState,setBoardState] = useState(defaultScore)
const winArray = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,6,4]]
const AI = side
const human = (side == 'X') ? 'O' : 'X'

a function to copy the current state of the board without changing the actual state

const copyBoard=(original :Object,index ?:any, newValue?:any)=>{
            const copiedBoard = {...original} 
            index = Number(index)
            if(index != null && newValue != null){
                copiedBoard[index] = newValue
            return copiedBoard

the function for checking end state

 const tryWin=(board :Object)=>{
                let win
                let check = true
                for (const i in winArray){
                    const v = winArray[i]                 
                        check = false
                        if(board[v[0]] == AI){
                            win = 10
                            win = -10
                if(!Object.values(board).includes(0) && check){
                    win = 0
                return win

the minimax

        const miniMax = (board:Object, depth:number, isMax :Boolean ) =>{           
            if(typeof(tryWin(board)) == 'number'){
                return tryWin(board)
                for (const v in board){              
                    if(board[v] === 0){
                        const outcome = -100
                        let simBoard = copyBoard(board,v,AI)
                        const newOutcome = miniMax(simBoard,depth+1,!isMax)
                        return (typeof(newOutcome) == 'undefined') ? outcome : Math.max(outcome,newOutcome) - depth
                for (const v in board){
                    if(board[v] === 0){
                        const outcome = 100
                        let simBoard = copyBoard(board,v,human)
                        const newOutcome = miniMax(simBoard,depth+1,!isMax)
                        return (typeof(newOutcome) == 'undefined') ?  outcome : Math.min(outcome,newOutcome) + depth
        const AImove =()=>{
            let move
            let bestOutcome = -100
            for(const v in boardState){
                if(boardState[v] === 0){
                    let simBoard = copyBoard(boardState,v,AI)
                    const outcome = miniMax(simBoard,0,true)
                    if(outcome > bestOutcome){
                        bestOutcome = outcome
                        move = Number(v)
            return {move:move,outcome:bestOutcome}

what am I getting wrong?