How should I load/bundle js libraries needed in 2 indipendent js ES modules?

Ok, I’m relatively new to js modules, I tried to find an answer to this question but till now I didn’t. I was used to pack all the dependencies in one big js file, shared between several pages. I then loaded another page-specific js file after the shared ‘bundle’.

all-pages: shared.js // browser-cached

page-1: page-1-specific.js, loaded after shared.js, uses libraries in shared.js
page-2: page-2-specific.js, loaded after shared.js, uses libraries in shared.js

Now with modules, if I try to pack several libraries this way, they won’t be available to other js files, since anything inside a module can’t be ‘global’ to the page. Ok.

So I should import dependency libraries on any page-specific js. But this way I would have libraries loaded in every page instead of taking advantage of broeser caching.

So what exactly is the way of doing this with es modules nowadays?