Jest mocks are not mocking: using `spyOn` or `jest.fn` to replace one method of a module

I’m having trouble testing a module of mine. One of the things I want to test is that calling one function in the module (using certain arguments) results in a call to another function in the module. For this testing, I do not want to test the actual results of the call to the second function. There are details that are beside the point & should be tested separately.

I’ve looked at the docs (incl. mocking partials, spyOn & mockImplementation), lots of github threads (incl this one) and there are actually examples that seem like they test exactly what I want to do. However, they haven’t worked and I’m not sure what the difference in my code is.


export const greetAPerson(person, recognized) {
    if (recognized) return greetByName(person);
    return askForName(person);

export const greetByName(person) {
    return `Hello ${}`;

export const askForName(person) {
    // real code has implementation details that I don't want to test
    return 'Hello, what is your name?';


import * as greet from './greet';

describe('greetings', () => {
    afterAll(() => {

    // passes
    test('returns greeting by name for known person', () => {
        const greeting = greet.greetAPerson({ name: 'Batman' }, true);
        expect(greeting).toBe('Hello Batman');

    // passes
    test('greeting an un-regognized person returns request for their name', () => {
        const greeting = greet.greetAPerson({ name: '' }, false);
        expect(greeting).toBe('Hello, what is your name?');

    // fails
    test('greeting an un-regognized person calls askForName (spyOn)', () => {
        const spiedAskForName = jest.spyOn(greet, 'askForName');
        greet.greetAPerson({ name: '' }, false);

    // fails
    test('greeting an un-regognized person calls askForName (spyOn + mockImplmentation)', () => {
        const spiedAskForName = jest.spyOn(greet, 'askForName').mockImplementation(() => 'who are you?');
        greet.greetAPerson({ name: '' }, false);

    // fails
    test('greeting an un-regognized person returns mocked value (spyOn + mockImplmentation)', () => {
        jest.spyOn(greet, 'askForName').mockImplementation(() => 'who are you?');
        const greeting = greet.greetAPerson({ name: '' }, false);
        expect(greeting).toBe('who are you?');

    // fails
    test('greeting an un-regognized person calls askForName: jest.fn()', () => {
        greet.askForName = jest.fn();
        greet.greetAPerson({ name: '' }, false);

    // fails
    test('mock entire module, except most of it', () => {
        jest.mock('./greet', () => {
            const greet = jest.requireActual('./greet');
            return {
                __esModule: true,
                askForName: jest.fn(() => 'who are you?')
        const greeting = greet.greetAPerson({ name: '' }, false);
        expect(greeting).toBe('who are you?');

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?