Accessing updated state inside the same function

I am having trouble accessing state after saving it, when calling the same function. My state is setup like this:

const perLanguageDefault = {
  calculated_skill: null,
  display_skill: null,
  published: false,
  premium: false,
  id: null,

  const [perLanguage, setPerLanguage] = useState(perLanguageDefault);

I have a save function inside one of my components as such:

  const _savePerLanguageArticle = async () => {
    if ( === null) {
      await _createPerLanguage();
    } else if ( !== null) {
      await _updatePerLanguage();
    if (props.sentences.length !== 0 && {
      await _iterateSentences();
    await _saveRulesArticle();

If a perLanguage object doesn’t exist, I create one in the database, and set it in state as such:

  const createPerLanguage = async () => {
    const body = {
      published: perLanguage.published,
      premium: perLanguage.premium,
      language: props.lang_id,
      calculated_skill: perLanguage.calculated_skill,
      display_skill: perLanguage.display_skill,
    try {
      const response = await"perLanguageCreateAPI", {
        body: body,
      await setPerLanguage(;
    } catch (e) {

saveRulesArticle above looks like this:

  const _saveRulesArticle = async () => {
    const newRules = => {
      let ruleobj = {};
      ruleobj["rule"] = rule;
      ruleobj["per_language"] =;
      return ruleobj;
    try {
      const response = await"ruleMappingCreateAPI", {
        body: newRules,
    } catch (e) {

However, because it’s all within the same top function, _saveRulesArticle doesn’t get access to the new perLanguage variable, it isn’t updated, even though createPerLanguage supposedly creates it and sets it.

I suspect there’s some relation to this stack overflow page:

useState set method not reflecting change immediately

Most particularly the highest upvoted answer. I understand how that works for useEffect, but how would it work here? How do I update state inside a function, and then later inside that function, access the same updated state? Is this possible? Is this an anti-pattern?