Jtoken for a specific case in JS array

         "name":"ONE COMPANY",
         "desc":"one has one",
         "partner":"one one"
         "name":"TWO COMPANY",
         "desc":"two has two",
         "partner":"two two"
         "name":"THREE COMPANY",
         "desc":"three has three",
         "partner":"three three"
         "name":"PREMIUM COMPANY",
         "desc":"premium has vip",
         "partner":"premium premium"

So have a look at this JSON.

Here I want a Jtoken to parse two arrays here

one array has ONE, TWO, THREE companies
and second, has PREMIUM COMPANY

I want to receive two array items in JS, all of the descriptions in one array value and the description of 2nd array in another array value

Example output I need →

var description = ["one has one, two has two, three has three" , "premium has VIP"];

I am sure there is a way for this in Jtoken but I am not getting it! if anyone here is pro in Jtoken Please try the solution!

but here it’s merging both of the arrays in one, and the point to note is that no.of arrays are dynamic

Click to see image

what I want is to get description of each company i an array to combine and get all the descriptions in others arrays in another array item. Please if i am being too confusing try to have a look at the example i mentioned above!