I have a class file, utility.js
for all the common functions.
However some of the functions require certain library import
e.g: NetInfo
import NetInfo from "@react-native-community/netinfo";
export async function networkConnection() {
const state = await NetInfo.fetch();
return state.type;
However, in order for utility.js
to be reusable in another project, another project has to have NetInfo
installed. Is it a good practice if instead of importing modules directly, I import only when I need to use it, and pass the import object along to the function?
export async function networkConnection({ NetInfo }) {
const state = await NetInfo.fetch();
return state.type;
and when using it
import NetInfo from "@react-native-community/netinfo";
import { networkConnection } from "./utility.js"
const network = networkConnection({ NetInfo })
This way, I can copy and paste utility.js to any project, without the need to install all the import packages. Also, this pattern seems to be able to resolve common Circular Dependencies error by limiting the import statement.
Is this the best practice for creating a common, reusable function file?