Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘statusCode’) Nodejs using cheerio

am trying to get the title of a webpage for this amusing request and cheerio there am facing this issue Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘statusCode’) but when I run to try to run separately with the static value it works

can anyone please help to identify the miskate I have done in my code?

here is my code

var request = require("request");
var cheerio = require("cheerio");

jsonData = [
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },
  { Domain: "" },

function fetchTitle(url, onComplete = null) {
  request(url, function (error, response, body) {
    var output = url; // default to URL

    if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
      var $ = cheerio.load(body);
      console.log(`URL = ${url}`);

      var title = $("head > title").text().trim();
      console.log(`Title = ${title}`);

      output = `[${title}] (${url})`;
    } else {
      console.log(`Error = ${error}, code = ${response.statusCode}`);

    console.log(`output = ${output} nn`);

    if (onComplete) onComplete(output);

jsonData.forEach(function (table) {
  var tableName = table.Domain;
  var URL = "http://" + tableName;

when am passing a value like fetchtitle(“https://www.googlecom”) it works but am getting error when I try to loop JSON data

Thank you very much in advance