Clarification on React Class based component constructor

I am reviewing some React Js basics and I need some clarifications about the use of the constructor method within a react class based component. My normal practice is to declare a class based component and define state without using the constructor, like so:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export class Testing extends Component {
  state = {
    example: "Hello World!!!"

  render() {
    return <div>

export default Testing;

Since state is so easy to use without the (seemingly) pointless constructor, I began asking myself what the constructor was for. Just to clarify what I mean by the constructor, it is when you declare state like this instead of the above example:

constructor(props) {

  this.state = {
    example: "Hello World!!!"

I found the suggestion in the react documentation that it is best practice to utilize the constructor, but it did not say why. After a little searching, I found a source that suggested that the constructor give you access to the props. I tested this and do see how the constructor gives access to props; however, the class can access props WITHOUT using the constructor, simply by stating this.props.myTest. I tested this as well by defining props in a parent component and drilling them down to the child component. I was able to access the props just fine with the this.props.myTest statement, no constructor necessary. So my question is, “What specifically does the constructor do, and when is it necessary (or is it ever necessary)?”