How to remove a subdocument from a schema when a button is clicked? – Mongoose

Unable to figure this out. My project is pretty much a website with listings that you can comment on, all the comments show through EJS. Full CRUD works, except when it comes to deleting the single comment. (listings can be deleted fine) There is a delete button for each comment.The comments are embedded into the schema. I’ve been trying various methods but it is erroring out.

My listing & comment schema:

const commentSchema = new Schema({
    content: String,
    timestamps: true

const gigSchema = new Schema({
    title: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    price: {
        type: Number,
        required: true,
    description: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    comments: [commentSchema]
}, {
    timestamps: true

my routes:'/:id/comments', commentsCtrl.commentsGig.create);

router.delete('/:id/comments', commentsCtrl.commentsGig.destroy);

i’ve tried

const destroy = (req, res) => {
  db.Gig.findById(, (err, gigs)=>{
    if (err) return res.send(err);

and get errors, i’ve found pull methods… but my code is not working.
I get this error when trying to ‘delete’ the comment ‘Cannot DELETE /gigs/’

this is my delete button just in case

  <form class = 'secondary-content' action="/gigs/<%= gigs.comments._id %>?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
              <input type="submit" value="Delete" /></form>

any help would be appreciated!