Why is the loop skipped when doing a loop judgment on item 0 of the array

The condition of while loop, if it’s while (results2[nextVisit]), it log nothing

function useTime(i: number, cb: (num: number) => void) {
  setTimeout(cb, 1000 * Math.round(Math.random()), i * 2);

const total = 10;
const results2 = new Array(total);
let nextVisit = 0;
let countTasks = 2;

for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
  useTime(i, (result) => {
    results2[i] = result;

    if (results2[nextVisit] !== undefined) {
      console.log(`Tasks ${countTasks}`);
      // If the while loop condition is
      // results2[nextVisit], it log nothing
      // while (results2[nextVisit]) {
      while (results2[nextVisit] !== undefined) {
        console.log(nextVisit + "->" + results2[nextVisit]);