Blueimp Gallery – Add a static generic linkable image as last slide

I have been struggling on how to add a static linkable image as the last slide at the end of a slideshow before it loops back to the beginning. Any help is greatly appreciated.

                        <#assign photoIndex = 0>
                        <#assign albums = listingElementDetail.getAlbums('${urlPrefix}')>
                        <#if (albums)?has_content>
                        <div id="cont-gallery">
                            <div id="blueimp-gallery-carousel" class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-controls blueimp-gallery-carousel">
                                <div class="slides"></div>
                                <a class="prev"><h4 class="icon-chevron-left" style="top: -8px; position: relative;"></h4></a>
                                <a class="next"><h4 class="icon-chevron-right" style="top: -8px; position: relative;"></h4></a>
                                <ol class="indicator"></ol><div class="indicator-container"></div>

                            <div id="links" style="display:none;">
                                <#if (albums)?has_content>
                                    <#list albums as album>
                                        <#list as photo>
                                                <a href="" title="${listingPropertyStreet!}, ${City!} ${StateName!}">
                                                    <img width="48" height="33" src="" alt="${Street!}, ${City!} ${StateName!}" />
                                            <#assign photoIndex=photoIndex+1>

                            <script src="<@resource.url '/static/lib/Gallery-2_15_2/js/blueimp-gallery.min.js'/>"></script>
                                document.getElementById('links').onclick = function (event) {
                                    event = event || window.event;
                                    var target = || event.srcElement,
                                        link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
                                        options = {index: link, event: event},
                                        links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
                                    blueimp.Gallery(links, options);

                                        container: '#blueimp-gallery-carousel',
                                        carousel: true,
                                        stretchImages: "cover",
                                        startSlideshow: false,
                                        onslide: function (index, slide) {
                                            var thumbWidth = jQuery("#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator li").first().outerWidth(true);
                                            var thumbContMargin = parseInt(jQuery("#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator").css("margin-left"));
                                            var slideWidth = $j(slide).width();
                                            var numThumbs = $j('#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator li').length;
                                            var thumbContainerWidth = ((numThumbs) * thumbWidth) + (thumbWidth);

                                            jQuery("#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator").width(thumbContainerWidth);

                                            var currentThumb = $j('#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator li')[index];
                                            var currentThumbOffset = $j(currentThumb).position().left + (thumbWidth);
                                            if( thumbContainerWidth > slideWidth){
                                                if( currentThumbOffset > (slideWidth/2) ){
                                                    var offsetLeft = Math.min((currentThumbOffset - slideWidth/2), (thumbContainerWidth - slideWidth + (thumbContMargin/2)));
                                                } else {
                                                    offsetLeft = 0;
                                                jQuery("#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator").animate({"left":"-" +offsetLeft + "px"}, 200);
                                            } else {
                                                jQuery("#blueimp-gallery-carousel .indicator").animate({"left":"-40px"}, 200);