Locking down a TypeScript class so that it is final and all invariants are guaranteed, even at runtime?

What is the best way of making a TypeScript class final, and ensure that all its invariants are guaranteed, even during runtime (when it might be accessed by arbitrary JavaScript code)?

A simple example of what I want to do is the following MutableInt class:

export class MutableInt {

    static {
        Object.setPrototypeOf(MutableInt.prototype, null);

    #value : int

    constructor (value : int = 0) {
        if (new.target !== MutableInt) throw new Error("MutableInt is final");
        if (!Number.isInteger(value)) throw new Error(`Integer expected, found: ${value}`);
        this.#value = value;

    get value(): number {
        return this.#value;

    set value(v) {
        if (!Number.isInteger(v)) throw new Error(`Integer expected, found: ${v}`);
        this.#value = v;


Is MutableInt properly locked down? Or is there something wrong or missing with this approach?