Google App Script: Open Google Sheet, wait for all formulas to process, close sheet

The Problem

Google Data Studio is not fetching new data from Google Sheet, because Google Sheet is not open, and formulas will not run to update data.

My Setup: Google Form > Google Sheet > Google Data Studio

  1. I am using a Google Form to add data to a Google Sheet.
  2. Google Sheet contains formulas to modify the data from the Google Form.
  3. Google Data Studio fetches Google Sheet data every 15 minutes.


Normally when opening the Google Sheet, it takes around 5 minutes to finish running all the formulas. (it’s a very large file, with many formulas)

My Solution: Is this the best option?

Trigger set to run every 10 minutes.

function wakupSheet(){
   var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet1');