How can I extend an abstract EventEmitter class, with some default events?

Could anyone help with this please?

How can I extend an abstract EventEmitter class, with common events? (I’m using


import EventEmitter from "events";
import TypedEmitter from "typed-emitter";

type BaseEvents = {
  BASE_EVENT: (arg: string) => void;

abstract class BaseEmitter<T> extends (EventEmitter as {
  new <T>(): TypedEmitter<T>;
})<T> {
  constructor() {
    // How can I make this type safe ????
    this.emit("BASE_EVENT", "string-value"); // <-- How can I achieve type safety here

type ImpOneEvents = {
  C1_EVENT: (a: number) => void;
class ImpOne extends BaseEmitter<ImpOneEvents> {
  constructor() {
    this.emit("C1_EVENT", 1); // OK: type checks ok (GOOD)
    this.emit("C1_EVENT", "bla"); // ERROR: string not assignable (GOOD)

type ImpTwoEvents = {
  C2_EVENT: (a: boolean) => void;
class ImpTwo extends BaseEmitter<ImpTwoEvents> {
  constructor() {
    this.emit("C2_EVENT", true); // OK: type checks ok (GOOD)

const impTwo = new ImpTwo();
impTwo.on("C2_EVENT", (a) => {
  parseFloat(a); // ERROR: Type of boolean not assignable to parameter of type string (GOOD)

I’ve tried

type BaseEvents = {
  BASE_EVENT: (arg: string) => void;

abstract class BaseEmitter<T = {}> extends (EventEmitter as {
  new <T>(): TypedEmitter<T>;
})<T & BaseEvents> {

And lots of other things. The above results in

Argument of type '[string]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Arguments<(T & BaseEvents)["BASE_EVENT"]>'.

For line

this.emit("BASE_EVENT", "string-value"); // <-- How can I achieve type safety here