How To Replace Image Colors with Blue Using Opencv.js

We use the opencv.js to process images from web browser. the complete procedures are:

  1. load the image. This image has 6 types of pixels which are 0,1,2,3,4 and 5
  2. convert all colors to blue except those pixels which have values of 0
  3. show the new image

The problem is it takes so much time for step 2.
what we do now is like below:

let maskImgMat = cv.imread(maskElement);
let metaData = new Array();

for (var i = 1; i <=5; i++) {
    var metaItem = new Object();
    metaItem.ID = i

let objectIds = new Set();
if (maskMeta) {
    maskMeta.forEach(function (s) {objectIds.add(s["ID"])} )

// below code snippet will take about 3 seconds 
// to process an image of size 2000 * 30000 
for (var i = 0; i < maskImgMat.rows; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j < maskImgMat.cols; j++) {

      var pixel = maskImgMat.ucharPtr(i, j);
      var R = pixel[0];

      if (objectIds.has(R)) {

          maskImgMat.ucharPtr(i, j)[0] = 0   // red
          maskImgMat.ucharPtr(i, j)[1] = 0   // green
          maskImgMat.ucharPtr(i, j)[2] = 255 //  blue          
          maskImgMat.ucharPtr(i, j)[3] = 128 // alpha 

      } else {
          maskImgMat.ucharPtr(i, j)[3] = 0 

Is there other way to do that with good performance? how can we do it by opencv api?