Problems displaying new div when onMouseOver event fires

I’ve made a CSS grid displaying a <p>{name}</p> element on each grid item. When an onMouseOver hover events I want to display a new div (contained within the react fragment), but in the same position.
Instead of using CSS, I’ve used JavaScript to code the logic for this – when a user hovers on the grid item, it flips a boolean (saved as state variable isMouseHovering) from false to true.
I have a conditional statement that displays the ‘new’ div, when this state value is truthy.

The problem is that this logic applies for grid item container element, and not for the elements inside the grid container. So when I over over grid, it does what it’s supposed to do and displays the new div. However when I hover over the p-tag within the grid item container element, it flickers between states.

How do I structure this so that the div changes on hover, no matter where on the grid item the user hovers the mouse?


import { useState } from 'react'

const Project = ({name,url,techStack,image,blurb}) => {

  const [isMouseHovering, setMouseHovering] = useState(false);

  const handleOnMouseOver = () => setMouseHovering((isMouseHovering) => !isMouseHovering);  
  const handleMouseOut = () =>  setMouseHovering(false);
    <div className = 'grid-item' onMouseOver={handleOnMouseOver} onMouseOut = {handleMouseOut}>
        isMouseHovering ? (
        // element I want to display when mouse hovering, in same position as <p>{name}</p> element
          <a href='https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>

export default Project