How to combine arrays and repeat first array’s elments as many times as the length of the second array?

The challenge is to build a table. So, the first array is like to the following:


The second array is like this:

[tecido,1,Crepe Georgette,,,,mt,0.9,11.9,10.71],
[aviamento,5,Tag Láureen Instrução Lavagem,,,,und,1,0.5,0.5],
[aviamento,3,Entretela malha,,,,und,1,10,10]

How can I concatenate them to be like:

[1001,235689,tecido,1,Crepe Georgette,,,,mt,0.9,11.9,10.71],
[1001,235689,aviamento,5,Tag Láureen Instrução Lavagem,,,,und,1,0.5,0.5],
[1001,235689,aviamento,3,Entretela malha,,,,und,1,10,10]

I’ve tried looping over the first array and get the second in, but I get lost repeating the first array’s elements as many times as the elements count in the second.

Appreciate any help.