I’m working on a Nuxt JS application that uses the axios nodule and am experiencing a strange problem that appears to be intermittent but appears to only be happening on iOS devices and wondered if there’s any thing specific I could be checking.
My form submits data to a Laravel API and waits for a response, I’ve got a 50 second timeout baked into my client-side post request for axios and using the Laravel Telescope package I can see that the request was handled successfully and did return a response, despite this the client-side code still timed out.
My suspicion thus far is network or iOS/device/platform changes:
// submit application
this.$axios.post(`${this.$config.apiUrl}/api/application`, this.$store.state.application.application, {
timeout: 50 * 1000
}).then(res => {
// invalid (shows error screen and messages)
if (!this.applicationSubmissionIsValid(res.data)) {
this.configureApplicationPolling(res.data.threadID, res.data.check_frequency)
}).catch(err => {
const status = err.response ? err.response.status : null
this.setSubmissionErrors(4, status)
}).finally(() => {
window.scrollTo(0, 0)
this.meta.isSubmittingApplication = false
this.meta.applicationSubmitted = true
Findings so far:
- I’ve tried connecting my phone to my macbook and inspect the element, there’s no status code returned.
- Out of a dozen attempts on iOS, it has worked once whilst continuing to work just fine on other devices
- Requests handled correctly by the back-end
- I’ve also had the timeout for the
Not sure what else to check