Javascript – forEach with promise.all not working

I tried to handle promises with for each but not working

I assume it will log something because of console.log(result).

Why is it not working?

It only logs

All done (54) [ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ, ƒ]
          let promises = [];
                  mkt.forEach(async function (marketItem, index) {
                    promises.push(() => {
                        .then((result) => {
                    .then(results => {
                      console.log('All done', results);
                    .catch(e => {
                      // Handle errors here