TypeError: sentimentCurrent.map is not a function?

Trying to write a unit test for the below function.

I’m getting an error of

TypeError: sentimentCurrent.map is not a function

      65 |     console.log("sentimentData:",sentimentCurrent,typeof sentimentCurrent);
      66 | 
    > 67 |     sentimentCurrent.map(function (k, num) {
         |                      ^
      68 |       let dateCreated = new Date(k.created * 1000);
      69 | 
      70 |       DataInput.push({

The actual function is below, it takes in raw data and then prepares it to be used in a linegraph essentially.

export default function generateLineGraphPointsSentiment(
) {
  console.log("sentimentData:",sentimentData,typeof sentimentData);
  if (sentimentData !=null) {
  const DataInput = [];

  Object.keys(sentimentData).map(function (key, item) {
    var sentimentCurrent = sentimentData[key];
    console.log("sentimentData:",sentimentCurrent,typeof sentimentCurrent);

    sentimentCurrent.map(function (k, num) {
      let dateCreated = new Date(k.created * 1000);

        created: dateCreated,
        sentiment: k.sentiment,
        magnitude: k.magnitude,
        date: k.createdDay,

    // {created: 1601820360, sentiment: -0.1, magnitude: 0.1, createdDay: "2020-10-05"}

The test case is as follows,

import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import generateLineGraphPointsSentiment from './generateGraphPointsAnalysis';

const SentimentData = [
    id: 96452,
    user_id: 'asdasd',
    sentiment: -0.1,
    magnitude: 1,
    created: 1629535060,
    createdDay: '2021-08-21',
    id: 96453,
    user_id: 'asdasd',
    sentiment: 1,
    magnitude: 1,
    created: 1629535063,
    createdDay: '2021-08-21',

// const setSelectedDate = jest.fn();

describe('Generates Graph Points Sentiment', () => {
  it('should show loader for the LineGraphs graph if no data is present', () => {
    generateSentimentLineGraph = generateLineGraphPointsSentiment(SentimentData);
    console.log(generateSentimentLineGraph,SentimentData,typeof SentimentData);


Any ideas on what is wrong with my code? It works in dev currently, not sure why it’s failing this test now? I think it has something to do with either the type of data being processed, or how I’m using the map functions. Perhaps I can simplify the first map function?