NodeJs calculation gone wrong

I have if statement like:

if((gotPrice * price.value).toFixed(0) >= answers.MINIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT) {

Results are

(gotPrice * price.value).toFixed(0) = 0


answers.MINIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT = 200

Then it fall to true! not sure in what world 0 is greater or equal to 200!!

I also tried this way but results was the same

if((gotPrice * price.value).toFixed(0) >= Number(answers.MINIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT).toFixed(0)) {


var x = 0.3431;
var y = 1.5467;
var z = '200';
console.log((x * y).toFixed(0) >= z); // false (but in my case says true!)

Any suggestions?