How to play sound effects in Vue 3 app with Composition API

I am attempting to setup a basic button click in Vue 3 Composition API to trigger a sound effect. Currently, my setup function includes an mp3 sound effect imported from the assets folder then passed into a ref method with an HTMLAudioElement type, then assigned to a const called “play”. After adding the “play” constant to the return, I then added “play” to a click handler in the button. I’m not getting errors in the console, but the button is still not triggering the sound effect. How can I go about configuring the setup function and button to trigger the sound effect? Here is my code:

  <div div class="flex justify-center">
    <button @click="play">Click</button>

import { ref } from 'vue' 
import { trumpetSfx } from '../assets/demo_src_assets_fanfare.mp3'

export default {
  name: 'Button',
  components: {},
  setup() {
    const play = ref<HTMLAudioElement>(trumpetSfx);

    return { play }