Is there an issue with scope in this es6 function preventing these variables from being equivalent?

I’m new to es6, using const and the overall implications that has on the scope of a function. Whenever this function is output, it always says it failed to add all items. Is there something glaringly obvious preventing the loaded const from equaling the total const?

const addContent = function() {
  const getTotal = function() {
    const total = Number("`3");
    return total;
  let content = "<div><span>";
  const loaded = 3;
  const total = getTotal();
  for (let i = 0; i < loaded; i++) {
    content += "<h2>Test " + i + "</h2>";
  const results = loaded == total ? "<h3>Added all of the items.</h3>" : "<h3>Failed to add all of the items.</h3>";
  content += results + "</span></div>";
  return content;