remove elements from array if not exist in other array

i am trying to do the following, with several reads here and on the web but can’t seem to get it to work. I have two array that consist out of objects (filled dynamically) by two webservices, so I created a timed trigger and loop over them to update the products array.

var products= [
  {idProduct: '1', price: '4.99'}, 
  {idProduct: '2', price: '9.99'}, 
  {idProduct: '3', price: '7.95'}, 
  {idProduct: '4', price: '4.95'}

var update = [
  {idProduct: '1', price: '4.99'}, 
  {idProduct: '4', price: '4.95'}

what I would like to do is to remove the product from products array that are not in update. I know how to compare and how to add the product but that all checks from the update section. What I can’t seem to get to work is to delete the ones that are no longer in the update.

var i = 0;
   var entry1;
      while (i < products.length) {

       entry1 = products[i];
    if (update .some(function(entry2) { return entry1.ProductId === entry2.ProductId; })) {
       // Found, progress to next
    } else {
       // Not found, remove
       products.splice(i, 1);

Once processed I will remove the contents of update array and it story starts again.

update = []

Desired result of products Array:

products= [
  {idProduct: '1', price: '4.99'},  
  {idProduct: '4', price: '4.95'}

and no, I can’t just use update array as this is a simplified example and part of a bigger code 🙂