How to display different data types in radial stacked chart using D3?

I’m trying to display data in a radial chart/donut chart where there is a threshold and an overshoot. The data I am displaying is in percent, tonnes, kg per capita, scale(0-1). I’m guessing I would have to convert the data to a common type like percent, but I’m unsure how to go about it.

The chart is supposed to look like this

Another example

Here is a snippet of the data:

Planetary Boundry Threshold Overshoot
Climate Change – 2.35 tonnes CO2 equivalent per capita yearly 18.95 tonnes CO2 equivalent per capita (2020)
Ocean acidification – 1.59 tonnes CO2 per capita yearly (until 2055) 15.33 tonnes CO2 per capita (2020)
Nitrogen 100% good or very good ecological condition (limit between moderate and good = 250-775 µg/L) 72.7%
Biodiversity / land use 0.6 (scale 0-1) 0.45