How to bind react route to a shown dialog?

React Router has a good tutorial on Nested Routes.

And it’s pretty easy to create and understand.

However, I want to bind a route to a dialog.

Basically I have a list of customers at /customers and I have a New button on it. When it’s clicked a form is shown inside a dialog. I’m using Material UI. I want to change the route to /customers/create route and as the result of that route change show the dialog. This means that even if users hit F5 and refresh the page, they would still see the form shown in the dialog.

I can’t make it work. I created the nested <Route /> definition:

    <Route path='/customers' element={<Customers />}>
        <Route path='create' element={<CreateCustomer />} />

And I also inserted an <Outlet /> in my Customers.js:

import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom'

const Customers = () => {
    const [dialogIsShown, setDialogIsShown] = useState(false);
    return <div>
        <Button onClick={() => setDialogIsShown(true)}>Create</Button>
        {* customer creation component is here, inside a dialog *}
        <Dilog open={dialogIsShown}>
            <CreateCustomer />
        {* other UI parts *}
        <Outlet />

And when I click the new button, I use useNavigate to change route. But nothing happens.

I’m stuck here.

Any help is appreciated.