nuxtjs/composition-api – Module is undefined on composable file

I’m using @nuxtjs/composition-api in my Nuxt application with Vuetify. I have a composable file like this:

// composables/dialog.js
import { useContext } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'

export function useDialog () {
  const { $dialog } = useContext() // for some reason $dialog is undefined here
  const { message, error, info, warning, notify } = $dialog

  function showInfo (title, text) {
    return info({ title, text })

  function messageSuccess (text) {
    return message.success(text)

  // ... some other functions with message, error, info, warning

  return {
    // ...

The module $dialog is correctly registered in nuxt.config.js: $dialog docs

  modules: [
    // Simple usage
    // ... other modules

When I access first a page that doesn’t use this composable and then navigate to another page that uses the composable, it works fine. However, if I directly open the page that uses the composable, it shows the error cannot destructure property 'message' of '$dialog' as it is undefined. It happens in production and local env.

Is there any limitation with composable files and @nuxtjs/composition-api ?

Github Issue