Getting all the objects in the JavaScript from Django

I want to get all my object models from the database and store them in someway, the model I have is:

class Device (models.Model):
    patientId = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
    deviceId = models.CharField(unique=True,max_length=100)
    hour = models.DateTimeField()
    type = models.IntegerField()
    glucoseValue = models.IntegerField()

I’m sending them in

device_list = list(Device.objects.all())
context = {"filename": filename,
           "deviceList": device_list,

In JS I managed to get each object like that:

{% for item in deviceList%}
console.log( "{{item}}" );
{% endfor %}

What I want is to store those objects in some way, but I don’t really know how, because they are coming like that Model object (1).