How to populate a laravel chart with data from database with apexchart?

In my controller I have this query :

$categories = DB::table('categories')
    ->select('type',DB::raw('COUNT(*) as count_type')) 

When I populate series and labels with static results everything works fine, but when I try to populate it from database it doesn’t work, The whole problem is with series and labels as shown below in the script :

            var options = {
here=>        series: [@foreach($categories as $categorie) $categorie->count_type @endforeach],
              chart: {
              width: 380,
              type: 'pie',
and here=>    labels: [@foreach($categories as $categorie) $categorie->type @endforeach],
            responsive: [{
              breakpoint: 480,
              options: {
                chart: {
                  width: 200
                legend: {
                  position: 'bottom'
            var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);

So the question is how can I populate this graph from my query result?