Web scrapping in Chrome Console- iterate over rows in mat-tab element

DISCLAIMER: I do not know JS, it is an assignment for my work.

I have been asked to withdraw scrape some data from a Google Marketing page using Chrome Console.

The HTML code I need to scrape looks like this:

The code in the console

I made the following code where I created a dictionary and then used document.Selector()to take the data but I only take it from one row.

var IntegrationDetails = [{}]

IntegrationDetails[0]["Property Name"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Advertiser"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Tracking ID"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Account"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Organisation name"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Integrations with reporting data"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Integrations with Cost Data"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText

IntegrationDetails[0]["Integrations with Remarketing Lists"] = document.querySelector("JSPath").innerText


I do not know how to iterate over every row in the mat-tab element and append each row to the dictionary.