How to send an email with content from my javascript code

i am making a small testing website where i would like to receive an email when i sign or log into it.

<button id="username" type="submit" onclick="sendEmailL()">Log in</button>

<script src="">
      (function sendEmailL() {
        var templateParams = {
          name: 'Hello',
          notes: 'Welcome back ' + document.getElementById('username').value
  emailjs.send("service_id","template_id", templateParams)
    .then(function(response) {
       console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text);
    }, function(error) {
       console.log('FAILED...', error);

Following EmailJS i could have made the perfect script i needed:

But at the last moment i saw that the Dynamic Attachments “Dynamic Attachments are used to send attachments from your JavaScript code” setting is not free and require a subscription ( which i don’t want to buy because i am just making things for my personal use ).

So is there any free alternative that can do exactly what i want to? Or is there any way to do this using EmailJS but not while not buying a sub? Thanks