How to avoid nested forEach if it’s possible?

I want to improve my code. It’s simple javascript code where I’m fetching some data from gitlab API and I want to get gitlab groups and their members, then I want to for each member display his groups.

let accounts = []

let subGroups = await api.getSubgroups();
subGroups = => {
    const { id, name, full_path } = group;

    return {

subGroups = (group) => {
  const { id } = group; 
  const groupMembers = await api.getGroupMembers(id);
  return { group_id: id, groupMembers };

subGroups = await Promise.all(subGroups);

const map = subGroups.forEach((group) => {

    group.groupMembers.forEach((member) => {

I want first get the list of groups and members of group. Then make array of distinct people and then give them their group.
Please how can I remove nested foreach, is it even possible? And also I want to ask how to get only neccessary properties of member (like only name and id) to accounts array