What’s the best way to loop inside React JSX

I’m working with WordPress/scripts, and I need to do a for loop inside jsx. I did find this post but it is fairly old (7 years). Is the answer still correct today? or are there better solutions?

My Attempt

import { __ } from "@wordpress/i18n";
import { useSelect, useDispatch } from "@wordpress/data";
import { registerPlugin } from "@wordpress/plugins";
import { PluginDocumentSettingPanel } from "@wordpress/edit-post";
import { TextControl, PanelRow } from "@wordpress/components";

class postcodePricingBeDocSidebar {
  constructor() {
    const TextController = (props) => {
      // Get post meta
      const meta = useSelect((select) =>

      // Meta prefix
      const metaPrefix = "_postcode_pricing_";

      // Meta fields
      const rows = [

      let metaString = "original";

      for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        // create meta string
        metaString = metaPrefix + rows[i];


      const { editPost } = useDispatch("core/editor");

      return (
              label={__(rows[i], "postcode-pricing")}
              onChange={(value) =>
                  meta: { [metaString]: value },

    const postcodePricingBeDocSidebar = () => {
      // build the panel
      return (
          title="Area Pricing"
          <TextController />

    // render the panel
    registerPlugin("postcode-pricing-be-doc-sidebar", {
      render: postcodePricingBeDocSidebar,

export default postcodePricingBeDocSidebar;