How to set cookie expiry age and path in Javascript? [duplicate]

I am making Cookie Consent for website and the only problem I have right now is that Cookie is stored in that session only, and I also want to set path to my root domain.
Currently my JS is like this:

const cookieStorage = {
    getItem: (item) => {
        const cookies = document.cookie
            .map(cookie => cookie.split('='))
            .reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [key.trim()]: value }), {});
        return cookies[item];
    setItem: (item, value) => {
        document.cookie = `${item}=${value};`

const storageType = cookieStorage;
const consentPropertyName = 'Cookie By: RohanPhuyal ';
const shouldShowPopup = () => !storageType.getItem(consentPropertyName);
const saveToStorage = () => storageType.setItem(consentPropertyName, true);

window.onload = () => {

    const acceptFn = event => {
    const consentPopup = document.getElementById('consent-popup');
    const acceptBtn = document.getElementById('accept');
    acceptBtn.addEventListener('click', acceptFn);

    if (shouldShowPopup(storageType)) {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000);


How can I add expiry time (age) on cookie and also set path=/ ?