Google Apps Script – script runs twice?

I’m fairly new to Google Apps Script and I may be missing something, but I’m trying to make a very basic script for testing purposes and literally everything I write runs twice. Absolutely no idea why. Can someone point me in the right direction for some reading I can do on this?

Right now, I’m just working with the Calendar API and getting the names of my calendars, but they always print twice. Here is the code:

function myFunction() {
  let calendars = CalendarApp.getAllCalendars();
  let haveCalendar = false;
    if (calendars[i].getTitle() == "Holidays"){
      haveCalendar = true;
    } else if (haveCalendar == true || calendars[i].getTitle() != "Holidays"){
      Logger.log("already have calendar");


The current output for this is:

already have calendar
already have calendar
already have calendar

already have calendar
already have calendar
already have calendar

I’m completely baffled. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!