regex replace for multiple string array javascript

I have a array of string and the patterns like #number-number

If the # and single digit number before by hyphen then replace # and add 0

If the # and two or more digit number before by hyphen then replace remove #

I got stuck and how to do in javascript

In #number,

if # and number is two or more digits before hyphen(-) remove # only 
#162-7878 should be 162-7878, #12-4598866 should be 12-4598866)

if # and number is single digit before hyphen(-) remove # and add 0 
#1-7878 should be 01-7878

let arrstr=["#12-1676","#02-8989898","#676-98908098","12-232","02-898988","676-98098","2-898988"]

for(let st of arrstr)
 console.log(st.replace(/#?(d)?(d-)/g ,replacer))
 function replacer(match, p1, p2, offset, string){
  let replaceSubString = p1 || "0";
  replaceSubString += p2;
  return replaceSubString;