How do I end the inner part of this nested loop but have the larger overall nested loop continue?

I’m working on a part of a minimax AI for a Connect Four board.

I have a parallel gameboard to test that looks like this:

let parallelBoard = [

The findAvailableSpots(board) function gives me an array consisting of the numbers in the first row that are still available for play. I use the first row to determine this because I splice “Red” or “Yellow” into the array whenever a spot is taken, and if the first row for that column is occupied, it cannot be selected anymore.

Then I loop through the length of available spots, and take each one as the index of the column I want to put a marker into and test.

Next, for each one of these available spots, I loop upwards from the bottom or sixth row to place the token where there is no “red” or “yellow” string in that spot.

I would like it to stop once it finds a spot and move on to the next number in the parallelAvailable array.

But if I don’t put in a return, it puts a token in every row of that column.

If I do put in a return, it breaks after splicing [parallelAvailable][0].

I would like it to run the i loop to see which row it can put a token into, and then move on to the next in [parallelAvailable][s].

What should I do? Am I placing the return in the wrong place, or is there a better way to do this altogether, maybe with another if condition?

function pickBestMove() {
//     let bestScore
//     let bestColumn

 let parallelAvailable = findAvailableSpots(parallelBoard)

 for (s=0; s<parallelAvailable.length; s++) {
    let i;
    let j = parseInt(parallelAvailable[s] - 1)
    for (i = 5; i > -1; i--) 
        {if (Number.isInteger(parallelBoard[i][j])) {
            parallelBoard[i].splice((j), 1, currentPlayer)

    //         let positionScore = scorePosition (parallelBoard, currentPlayer)
    //         console.log(gameboard[i][j] + " gets " + positionScore)
    //         parallelBoard[i].splice((indexPick), 1, gameboard[i][j])
    //             if (positionScore > bestScore) {
    //                 bestScore = score
    //                 console.log(bestScore)
    //                 bestColumn = s
    //                 console.log(bestColumn)
    //             }
    //         // return
    //        }
    //     }
    // return bestColumn