Avoid recurring ‘if’ verification to check if an object has property

I do know how to check if a property exists (hasOwnProperty, in, !== undefined, etc).

But I don’t know how to avoid to perform an action on this property if it doesn’t exist.

Is there a solution to avoid the if (property && action in my case) verification each time ?

Similar question : Javascript – how to avoid multiple if condition checks when checking if object has a property? Not really relevant in my case

const myFunction1 = myFunction2 = () => {};
const generateElement = (p) => {
  let div = document.createElement(p.tag);
  p.classes && (div.className = p.classes);
  p.style && (div.style.cssText = p.style);
  p.content && (div.innerHTML = p.content);
  p.appendIn && p.appendIn.appendChild(div);
  p.attribs && Object.entries(p.attribs).forEach((y) => {
    div.setAttribute(y[0], y[1]);
  p.events && Object.entries(p.events).forEach((y) => {
    div.addEventListener(y[0], y[1], false);
  return div

var newElem = generateElement({
  tag: 'div',
  classes: 'mydiv',
  id: 'id42',
  content: 'Hello world!',
  style: 'background:#ccc',
  attribs: {
    'tabindex': 0,
    'title': 'Title #1'
  events: {
    'click': myFunction1,
    'mouseout': myFunction2
  appendIn: document.body