Is there any ways to use react navigation props as a define object in reusable component?

I start using rn this week to make a medium scale app for some tutoring school. And found some problem with navigating with defined props.

As u will see i define the stack screen name with ‘test1’, ‘test2’ in root app.js same with address variable.

the problem is when i use ‘test1’ instead of {address} it is working fine, but when i use {address}, it’s yelling at me, even when i console it’s still ‘test1’.

Here’s my code :


    <Stack.Screen name="test1" component={GrLesson1} />
    <Stack.Screen name="test2" component={GrLesson2} />

    function GrHome({navigation}) {
        return (
    <GrHomeProps title="test1" address="test1" navigation={navigation}/>
    <GrHomeProps title="test2" address="test2" navigation={navigation}/>

function GrHomeProps({title,navigation,address}) {
    return (


   <Text> {title} </Text>

Can somebody help me? find the mistake i made or teach me another way to do this with reusable component?