What is best practice to remove duplicate/redundant API requests?

So I am working in a React platform that has data that updates every second(I would like to move to web-sockets but its currently only supports gets).Currently, each component makes a fetch request for itself to get the data for the widget. Because the fetch requests are built into the widgets there are redundant api requests for the same data. I am looking for a possible better solution to remove these redundant api requests.

The solution I came up with uses what I call a data service that checks for any subscription to data sources then makes those api calls and places the data in a redux state for the components to then be used. I am unsure if this is the best way to go about handling the issue I am trying to avoid. I don’t like how I need an interval to be run every second the app is running to check if there are “subscriptions”. I am unsure if thats the correct way to go about it. With this solution I don’t duplicate any requests and can add or remove a subscription without affecting other components.

One more thing, the id can change and will change what data I recieve

Here is a simplified version of how I am handling the service.

const reduxState = {
 id: "specific-id",  
 subscriptions: {
    sourceOne: ["source-1-id-1", "source-1-id-2", "source-1-id-3"],
    sourceTwo: ["source-2-id-1", "source-one-id-2"],
  data: {
    sourceOne: { id: "specific-id", time: "milliseconds", data: "apidata" },
    sourceTwo: { id: "specific-id", time: "milliseconds", data: "apidata" },

const getState = () => reduxState; //Would be a dispatch to always get current redux state

const dataService = () => {
  const interval = setInterval(() => {
    const state = getState();
    if (state.subscriptions.sourceOne.length > 0)
    if (state.subscriptions.sourceTwo.length > 0)
  }, 1000);

const fetchSourcOneAndStoreInRedux = (id) =>{
    return async dispatch => {
        try {
            const res = await axios.get(`/data/one/${id}`) 
        } catch (err) {

I am building my components to only show data from the correct id.