What is the configuration in Google Chart to lessen the number of number/dates display on the hAxis?

I’m using a line graph in Google Chart and there’s just one thing left I need to configure, the hAxis dates.

The dates have 2 days gap only, like Feb 2, Feb 4, Feb 6, Feb 8, and so on, and so it shows 15 dates on the hAxis. I want to widen the gap maybe by 7 days or lessen the number of dates displayed by just 4 dates. How to achieve that? I can’t seem to find the right config for it here: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart.

Here’s my chart: https://jsfiddle.net/r2wxayn8/

google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']});

function drawBasic() {

      var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
      data.addColumn('date', 'Date');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Price');

        [new Date(2022, 1, 1), 0.2500], [new Date(2022, 1, 2), 0.2500],  [new Date(2022, 1, 3), 0.2600],  [new Date(2022, 1, 4), 0.2700],  [new Date(2022, 1, 5), 0.2800],  [new Date(2022, 1, 6), 0.3000],
        [new Date(2022, 1, 7), 0.2900],  [new Date(2022, 1, 8), 0.3300],  [new Date(2022, 1, 9), 0.3100],  [new Date(2022, 1, 10), 0.3200],  [new Date(2022, 1, 11), 0.3200], [new Date(2022, 1, 12), 0.3200],
        [new Date(2022, 1, 13), 0.3100], [new Date(2022, 1, 14), 0.3200], [new Date(2022, 1, 15), 0.3000], [new Date(2022, 1, 16), 0.3100], [new Date(2022, 1, 17), 0.3000], [new Date(2022, 1, 18), 0.3000],
        [new Date(2022, 1, 19), 0.2900], [new Date(2022, 1, 20), 0.2800], [new Date(2022, 1, 21), 0.2700], [new Date(2022, 1, 22), 0.2700], [new Date(2022, 1, 23), 0.2700], [new Date(2022, 1, 24), 0.2600],
        [new Date(2022, 1, 25), 0.2700], [new Date(2022, 1, 26), 0.2600], [new Date(2022, 1, 27), 0.2500], [new Date(2022, 1, 28), 0.2500], [new Date(2022, 1,29), 0.2400], [new Date(2022, 1, 30), 0.2500]

      var options = {
          hAxis: {
            gridlines: {
            color: 'none'
            format: 'MMM dd',
                textStyle: {
                color: '#677185',
                    fontSize: 12,
              bold: true
          vAxis: {
            gridlines: {
            color: '#DFE3EB'
            minorGridlines: {
            color: '#DFE3EB'
                textStyle: {
                color: '#677185',
                    fontSize: 12,
              bold: true
            tooltip: {
                textStyle: {
              color: '#677185',
                    fontSize: 12
          series: {
            0: {
            color: '#26a172'
                    legend: { position: 'none' },
          curveType: 'function'

      var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

      chart.draw(data, options);