Possible to put component in array and render them?

I want to create a component and put that component in an array to render it later. I don’t want to take the data from the component, pass it, then reconstruct it. Is this possible?

What I am trying to do is currently not working and gives the error The "data" option should be a function that returns a per-instance value in component definitions but I don’t know if that is referring to this part of the code.

Code to create TodoItem component and add it to array

    addTodo() {
      if (!this.isTodoItemSet()) {
        this.throwError("You must input a todo!");

      const todoItem = this.createTodoItem();

    createTodoItem() {
      const todoItem = <TodoItem id="this.newItemId" title="this.todoItem" />;
      this.newItemId += 1;
      return todoItem;

    addItem(todoItem) {

Attempting to render the components from the array

<template lang="">
    <li v-for="item in this.$props.todoItems" :key="item.id">
      <component v-bind:is="item"></component>
import TodoItem from "./TodoItem.vue";

export default {
  components: {

  props: {
    todoItems: [],
<style lang=""></style>